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Russia Supermarket

cold smoked smelt 250g(корюшка холодного копчения)

cold smoked smelt 250g(корюшка холодного копчения)

Regular price $13.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 SGD
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Smelting contains a variety of vitamins and large and trace elements necessary for the human body. Among them, attention should be paid to iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, fluorine and molybdenum. Smelt is one of the record holders for combined sodium content. Therefore, it is particularly recommended to include it in the diet of people with poor physical conditions and children.

This fish should be classified as a dietary food because its calorie content is only about 100 calories per 100 grams. For obese people, mullet is a good choice. In addition, the high potassium content helps to excrete excess water in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the function of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
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