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Baltic Supermart

"Oderikha" Unrefined Sunflower Oil First Grade, 0.85L

"Oderikha" Unrefined Sunflower Oil First Grade, 0.85L

Regular price $7.50 SGD
Regular price Sale price $7.50 SGD
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Unrefined sunflower oil "Oderikha", made from selected sunflower seeds, has an intense color and a pleasant smell of seeds and surpasses many vegetable oils in nutrition and digestibility.


Sunflower oil contains valuable nutrients for the body, as well as beta-carotene and vitamin E. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in sunflower oil have the ability to remove cholesterol, have a normalizing effect on the walls of blood vessels and can be considered among the means of preventing atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Unrefined sunflower oil "Oderikha" preserves the natural taste and aroma of sunflower seeds and enhances the taste of any dish. It is a traditional vegetable oil of Russian cuisine, used both as dressings for salads and cold dishes, and for cooking porridges, pastries, sauces.

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